The Yuan Dynasty established its capital in Dadu, now Beijing. 元代建都于大都,即今之北京。
The Yuan Dynasty had a territory larger than any other previous dynasties. However, it lasted only ninety years before it was overthrown by a peasant uprising. 的疆域很广大,所统治的领土,超过了以前的每一个朝代。然而它只维持了短短九十年,就被农民起义推翻了。
It has been a major transportation and trading centre since the Yuan dynasty in the13th century. 到了13世纪的元朝,天津已经是全国的交通和商业中心。
The history of this unique structure of Beijing can be traced back to the Yuan Dynasty. 这种北京独特的建筑可以追溯到元代。
Even the emperor of Yuan Dynasty obeys you. 甚至元朝代的皇帝服从你。
It flourished only when large numbers of the Uighur accepted it during the Yuan Dynasty ( 1206-1368). 到元朝(1206年&1368年)时,才因为大量回鹘人接受景教而兴盛起来。
By the time he died, China was in severe debt and the Yuan Dynasty faced popular discontent. 到他去世时,我国是在严重的债务和元代面对人民的不满。
Yuan Dynasty is traditionally given credit for reuniting China after several hundred years since the late Tang Dynasty. 元代向来是信贷团聚后我国几百年以来,晚唐。
At that time, China was RULED BY THE Yuan Dynasty Emperor, Kublai Khan. 当时元世祖忽必烈汗正统治着中国。
Even the Yuan Dynasty commissioned the Book of Song. 甚至是元朝也制作了宋朝的史书。
To the Yuan Dynasty, Ding finally and gradually disappeared. 到了元朝,定窑终于逐渐没落。
The Huihui inherited the voyage technique of Arab and Persian in Yuan Dynasty. 元代回回人继承了唐宋时代阿拉伯、波斯人的航海技术。
The names of these organizations and official posts were decided by the central government of the Yuan Dynasty. 所有机构和官职的名称都是元朝中央规定的。
Succession was a problem for the Yuan Dynasty, later causing much strife and internal struggle. 继承是一个问题的元代,后来造成许多冲突和内部斗争。
A rich cultural diversity developed during the Yuan Dynasty. 丰富的文化多样性的发展元代。
Inspired by the masks worn by dancers in the Tang, Song and Yuan Dynasty operas. 是在受到唐、宋、元等朝代戏曲中舞者所戴面具的启发后而形成。
The calligraphy of the Yuan Dynasty developed its own system. 摘要元代书法自成体系。
Up to Song& Yuan dynasty, Taolism built a series of ways and theories on preserve health. 从汉代至宋元时期,道教逐步建立了一套完善的养生方法和思想理论体系。
The textile products of the West Region had distinctive influence on the society of the Yuan Dynasty. 西域纺织品对元代蒙古社会生活的影响十分明显。
Until yuan dynasty, it was military and rice transportation center. 一直到元朝,都是军事重镇和漕粮转运中心。
How many names of ZhengYangmen are called since the Yuan dynasty? 正阳门从元朝开始共经历了几个名字?
And in the Yuan Dynasty, it was the fief of Genghis Khan's descendants. 那么元代的时候啊是成吉思汗子孙的封地。
Landscape painters after Yuan Dynasty followed Huang's painting techniques, which had deep influence in landscape painting area. 元以后的山水画家都以他的画法为规矩,凡有山水画的地方就有他的影响存在。
The cotton industry was granted a special support and fostered during the regime of the Yuan Dynasty; Cotton production became a pillar industry of the Yuan Dynasty, Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty. 元代统治者对棉花种植给予了大力的支持和扶植,使棉花生产成为了元代及明、清时的支柱产业。
The Yuan Dynasty divided China into provinces but did not establish Shanxi as a province. 元朝在中国开始设立省制,但是没有把山西设立一个省。
What splendid legacies were bequeathed to Beijing from the yuan dynasty? 元朝给北京留下了什么恢弘的遗产?
The union in state of Yuan dynasty create a peaceful and stable environment for development of art. 元代政治上的统一为文化艺术的发展创造了和平稳定的环境。
During the Yuan dynasty, the major cultural achievements were the development of drama and the novel. 元朝统治期间,在文化方面的主要成就是戏剧和小说的发展。
As far as the research on Jin Dynasty's royal is concerned, in the strict sense it has begun as early as Yuan Dynasty. 对金朝皇族的研究,严格意义上说是从元朝就开始了。
As founder of the Yuan dynasty, he was also one of China's great emperors. 作为元朝的建立者,他也是中国伟大的君主之一。